Tips for reducing your heating bills over winter

Tips for reducing your heating bills over winter

As we approach winter, commercial building owners earn a reminder to lower the amount of energy spent to keep warm. That reminder comes in the form of a utility bill. While many other commercial owners ignore the situation and just accept it, you’re not one of them.

One of your top priorities as a building owner should be to save money and energy. What better way is there, than to keep up with your commercial heating costs? Staying warm takes up a lot of resources, taking up as much as 40% of your overall usage every month.

Now, consider this; Commercial buildings are roughly wasting 30% of all energy used to provide comfort heating. That’s a lot of energy marked for savings, but that can only happen if you’re ready to do your part.

Below, we list 3 important commercial heating tips we ensure will reduce the cost of running your commercial heating during the winter season.

1. Using a Programmable Thermostat

Smart thermostats are leading the charge to change the HVAC industry. A smart thermostat records and analyses your usage of your commercial heating, which you can use to build a schedule to let the building cool down when it isn’t in use. You’ll notice this simple switch will cut down your monthly utility bill by its lonesome.

HVAC technology such as smart thermostats are really proving their worth. By integrating with your commercial heating system, it monitors the state of your rooftop units, heat pumps, zone dampers, fan coils and more. It’ll know and notify you immediately via text or email if there’s a problem with your HVAC system, where you then call in a technician. From there, the technician will use the extensive information the thermostat has collected to resolve the problem through commercial heating maintenance.

2. Consider Potential Upgrades to Your HVAC System

Not all buildings are the same. Building codes change quite often, so it isn’t a surprise to see older buildings lacking some of the newer necessities powering modern commercial buildings. Of course, if you’re an owner of a much older commercial building, your heating system may fail out at any moment. That’s not good for business, and certainly not something to keep on your mind for long.  

With today’s technology, you’ll see a significant difference in energy usage just by making upgrades to your commercial HVAC. You may note a 20% improvement in energy efficiency by replacing a decade old heating unit with an modern ERP compliant warm air heater or new high efficiency condensing boiler. This also goes for outdated air handling units and boilers that could also benefit from an upgrade. Schedule regular commercial heating maintenance to keep it actively maintained and well cared for.

3. Scheduling Regular HVAC Maintenance

Scheduling commercial heating maintenance to keep up with your system and make sure that it’s running to save energy and money. Maintenance can catch any defects or problems causing an inefficiency in the system, and resolve it before it starts digging into your bank account. Having performed regular commercial heating maintenance can eliminate the excess 20% of wasted energy per month during heat season. That’s a bonus you’re sure to be happy about.

For more information or advice on improving your energy efficiency please email us or telephone (01623) 741940.

MCL Energy